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30 Best Bootstrap Multi-Step Wizards & Forms 2024

We designed and developed the most versatile collection of free Bootstrap wizards for any web project you work on.

Since we are in full charge of all these, we guarantee smooth operation and necessary updates (for no extra fee).

One of our goals was to make this list as all-around as possible. You can use these free snippets for:

  • User account registration
  • Hotel booking
  • Billing details
  • Table reservation
  • Multo-step Forms, etc.


On top of that, every Bootstrap multi-step wizard is also customizable and 100% responsive.

Make a sequel of interaction more user-friendly and visually appealing for the users.

With a wizard!

Best Free Multi-Step Bootstrap Wizard Templates

Colorlib Wizard 1

This is a stunning and free Bootstrap wizard that you can use for all sorts of purposes. Out of the box, it might be ideal for an online shoe store, but you can quickly alter it and utilize it for something entirely different.

A fantastic registration form takes the user through a three-step process to complete the registration. The transitions are executed SMOOTHLY, almost gently.

It also comes with a country picker and an additional checkbox that you can use to encourage them to sign up, let’s say, for your newsletter.

Add a tempting picture on the left side, making the process more pleasant.

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Colorlib Wizard 2

If you are building a hotel website for a client, you should include a booking/reservation form to help them stay organized.

On the other hand, a potential client can quickly book a room for their next vacation or business trip with a reservation form.

Instead of building your one, this free Bootstrap wizard will trick you. To complete the reservation, there are four steps.

First, they choose the date. Second, they select the room. Third, they make a reservation. Last, they confirm. The form is also accompanied by an IMAGE SECTION above with text overlay.

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Colorlib Wizard 3

Sometimes, a registration form comes as a pop-up, sometimes as a small section on a website, and sometimes as a full-screen page. This one is very enticing and sparks interest.

More than half of the space is dedicated to a picture you can use for all sorts of purposes. You can even create a banner that delivers more information about the special event, show, or gig your host is hosting.

However, as far as the form goes, it ALREADY provides the main data about the event, plus all the required sections for you to register.

It also comes with social media links to increase their potential to connect with you.

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Colorlib Wizard 4

Our next free Bootstrap wizard is ideal for schools, universities, and colleges. It can also be used with your online course programs. Indeed, it is a course registration form with a modern, sophisticated, and mobile-inspired look.

To make it appear even COOLER, you can add an image of a student always excited about learning new things.

The form includes all the necessary fields, such as the instructor’s username, college/department, term, and student’s other personal information.

The progress bar at the bottom will always keep you informed so you know exactly where you are at with filling out the form. The gradient color links it all together beautifully.

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Colorlib Wizard 5

If you are a furniture store or offer particular industry services, you should consider this free Bootstrap wizard billing form.

When you have it here, there is no need to build one yourself; ready and set for you to utilize it. And it costs you nothing so there is no reason to wait and pick another one!

Lovely scenery is accompanied by the MINIMALISTIC form that comes in four steps. They will have a smooth experience providing the details you require to complete the order.

Moreover, if the client purchases the first time, a checkbox animates them to create an account and not order as a guest.

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Colorlib Wizard 6

Contemporary looking, mobile-friendly and optimized for great performance, get your registration form sorted out with this neat free Bootstrap wizard.

Avoid building once from scratch and have the design ready immediately. Edit it according to your needs and branding regulations and have an active version ready sooner rather than later.

Colorlib Wizard 6 is packed with goodies that will surely IMPRESS you and make you download it immediately.

The tool even has a picture upload feature, which users can use to upload their avatars straight from their computers.

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Colorlib Wizard 7

Restaurant owners and other folks in the food business, get a booking form wizard that is very appealing to the eye. It includes both an image and a three-step form.

You can use the image to water their mouths, while the latter eases the process of making a reservation and being safe rather than sorry later.

Choose the number of people you bring and benefit from the form’s integrated date and time pickers. Provide basic contact information on the second step, and the third is confirmation.

You can use a DIFFERENT image of your dishes on each step to make them want to visit you ASAP.

With a table ready and set, the unforgettable experience begins.

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Colorlib Wizard 8

As a food store owner, MAKE SURE your registration, checkout, and every page section align with your branding and theme.

For the registration form and new account creation, here is a fine, elegant, stylish free Bootstrap wizard that covers everything and then some.

The template, with the necessary details and password creation/change to cart and cart totals, will greatly benefit you.

Of course, you can alter it further and make adjustments if needed. There is no need to stick to the default settings if they do not precisely follow your regulations.

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Colorlib Wizard 9

If you build a community of loyal members and followers, get them to join your platform in style. We have a free Bootstrap wizard that you should surely not miss to create a beautiful user profile creation process.

After all, it does not cost you a dime, so there is no real reason not to download it. If not with the current project, you might want to use it with your next one.

Always have a collection of tools on hand, so you always keep your workflow of the highest degree. This particular wizard has an image background and a clean and minimalist form.

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Colorlib Wizard 10

Offer your users and customers the opportunity to create a profile on your website where they can track and manage all their orders and other things. This form will trick them into providing their personal and payment information.

Get it now by downloading it free of charge and using it immediately. See the difference IMMEDIATELY after filling it with your signature style and company branding and making it stand out from a mile.

If you are serious about your business, you will want all segments acclimatized to your style and tone.

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Colorlib Wizard 11

When creating a portal for job seekers, freelancers and others willing to get employment online, here is a form that helps create user accounts. It has all that is mandatory for a complete employee account.

From personal information and contacts to official details and payment, it is ready to add to your website and have your registration procedure sorted out in full.

In addition, the form is responsive and compatible with all modern web browsers for continuous SMOOTH OPERATION.

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Colorlib Wizard 12

To simplify registration as much as possible while keeping it MODERN and INNOVATIVE – fun, too! – this is the free Bootstrap wizard that you should look into.

There is very little going on, and that is what differentiates it from the collection of other tools you find on this list. Even if it almost feels like you would be using your mobile device when filling out the information on a desktop.

Each section consists of just one field, even when repeating the password, which is super convenient. But do experience it yourself first and see how cool it is.

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Colorlib Wizard 13

As a growing company, you might start seeking new people to welcome to your team and expand even further. If that is your situation, get people to enter a particular position with this nifty form and keep things organized.

As a busy businessman or businesswoman, organization and focus are key to running your firm seamlessly and not constantly feel overwhelmed with tasks and information.

Thanks to free Bootstrap wizards, you can AUTOMATE one part of your business and receive applications in an orderly fashion.

However, if you dig this particular wizard but your intentions with it are different, feel free to modify it to suit your requirements.

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Colorlib Wizard 14

These free Bootstrap wizards could suit any website you already run or are passionately working on. Even if you work with a client, these will be very helpful.

A VIVID and up-to-the-minute form for profile building is ready and set for you to employ.

This wizard would be a perfect fit for a freelancing platform, where designers, developers, coders, graphic artists and other professionals can sign up to offer their services.

It even ALLOWS the user to select a profile picture from their computer. It is simple to use, but its effect on your web platform can be highly rewarding.

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Colorlib Wizard 15

For bankings and other financial projects you are bringing into being to get people to join and benefit from, here is a dedicated free Bootstrap wizard to use.

No need to look elsewhere, this one has it all executed in a modern, sophisticated and cutting-edge way. Benefit from it greatly and save yourself time and effort.

There is no need to build a registration form from the ground up anymore when you have all these free templates ready and set for you to download and GET things backward.

Do it your style and even enhance it with your branding touches.

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Colorlib Wizard 16

Whether you run an online store, a members area website or any other portal where users can create an account and take to their advantage all these perks you have for them a contact form is a necessity.

We have all the right tools for you to execute the registration process effortlessly.

If picking the one you see above, you get a tool where you can add a background image, offer them to select their avatar, and fill out an account, personal, and payment details in three simple steps.

It is COMFORTABLE and SAFE to use this free Bootstrap wizard, whether on a handheld or a desktop device.

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Colorlib Wizard 17

If you run a service-based business and offer your new users a free trial upon signing up, this form is perfect. It has a simple four-step process with a “submitted” pop-up at the end for proof.

It has a split-screen look, where one-third is for an image/banner and two-thirds for filling out personal information.

All users need to do is enter their details, name, email, and password (plus confirm the password), and they are done and ready to start benefiting from your offering.

Keeping things simple helps you generate more leads and enhances your potential to enjoy steady growth.

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Colorlib Wizard 18

We offer many different free Bootstrap wizards for all sorts of intentions. Predominantly, these are for all sorts of forms, but you can also use them for reviews.

If the latter is what you are searching for, here is a spectacular template to add to your site when you want to know more about your customers’ satisfaction.

It would be best for customers to review your services, but you can also MODIFY it for other objectives. The layout includes a star rating system, a review section, and a form to fill out personal information.

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Colorlib Wizard 19

No matter what accommodation business you run, first thing’s first, have a website. If you do not have one, go ahead and build it. You do not know how much money you are leaving on the table.

Second, add a booking system to your visually appealing page. This will eliminate the sticky notes and allow you to organize all your customers fully.

With this GRADIENT color style form with a SIMPLISTIC design, they will quickly complete the booking process and even provide any additional details and requirements for you as the owner to consider.

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Colorlib Wizard 20

Sometimes, creating accounts can be daunting. If that’s the case, the potential user might reconsider and leave your page early. With that in mind, make sure registration is quick and effortless.

You can achieve that with any free Bootstrap wizards in this collection, so ensure you take full advantage of them.

Get folks to join your new application with cracking and SIMPLE to process the form. Doesn’t it give a very mobile-inspired vibe?

Of course, it does, and for that reason, it also beautifully displays on mobile devices.

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Colorlib Wizard 21

When selling services, you must have an active form for your clients to fill out their account and payment information. That’s easy when you have the right components free of charge.

We offer only free Bootstrap wizards to employ and use with your applications.

Along with the account and payment information sections, this provides an additional step for the client to check and confirm their details.

A VIBRANT form awaits all those who download it for a chance to save themselves time and energy.

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Colorlib Wizard 22

Get a simple and free multi-step form wizard with gradient color skin that is also mobile-friendly. The form section is divided into two sections: one for an image and the other for client information.

However, on mobile, only the form section appears, and the image part disappears. Moreover, the form includes location, date, and time pickers, meaning you can use it for events, meetups, restaurants, and other purposes.

Use your IMAGINATION and approach it with an open mind.

Do not hold back; a new specter of possibilities will unlock before you.

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Colorlib Wizard 23

Offering customers to create their accounts on your website rewards both parties.

They can always check their purchases and be up to date with the process while the owner has their information that he or she can use for marketing purposes.

If they purchased once, they will buy again (and again). To create such form, you must download this free Bootstrap wizard and already have A LOT done.

It is a simple form with gradient colors that connects your customers with the SMOOTHLY and SECURELY platform. A date of birth picker quickens things up.

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Colorlib Wizard 24

If there are finances you are dealing with and your business resolves financial problems, here is a form perfect for your business websites. Add it to your page and get them on board without hassle.

After providing all the required information and sorting out their financing, you will know more about them. One of your advisers can then get back to them and individually create a plan to fit your client perfectly.

With a simple form, you can craft a personalized experience for your users and make them a priority.

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Colorlib Wizard 25

Although changing colors is possible, this free Bootstrap wizard might fit perfectly out of the box if you run a page with a dark layout.

Of course, there is no need to use it as-is. Instead, feel free to alter it to suit your branding needs to a T. It is a modern and personal with bank/payment information type of form rocking an appealing design and elegant transition between sections.

There are only two parts that a client needs to fill out. Confirm the details on step three and that is it. You can now feature and shine this same IMPRESSIVE form wizard on your page.

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Colorlib Wizard 26

Similar to the previous form wizard this next one focuses on hotels, resorts, and other accommodation businesses.

In short, it is a form booking wizard with the whole personal information and booking thing that gets them to secure their desired room effortlessly.

On top of that, its dark layout EXPRESSES elegance and sophistication and the professionalism of your business and services. Thanks to your software, you can now have all your bookings in perfect order and never run into any inconvenience.

With modern technology, you can automate several sections of your business and truly focus on what matters.

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Colorlib Wizard 27

Setting up an account and filling out billing information can be clear and simple. Just use the free Bootstrap wizard we provide, and the rest will be history.

You do not have to start from scratch while maintaining your pro-level performance. Download the tool now and append it to your website to get users to complete their purchases in the snap of a finger.

What’s cool, this particular form spices up the EXPERIENCE with its lively gradient color palette.

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Colorlib Wizard 28

Regardless of the type of website you plan to build or if you are already pushing one successfully, adding a form wizard and getting users to sign up might be wise.

You can take your page to new heights even if you are just a blogger but decided to offer premium content only to registered users.

Moreover, keep their information if selling goods and services by encouraging them to create an account.

Get your hands on an energetic free Bootstrap wizard with a percentage PROGRESS BAR, so they know how close they are to completion.

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Colorlib Wizard 29

Get a free registration wizard and save money, time, and energy. How cool is that? You can now finish building your page quickly and have it ready for the launch sooner rather than later.

Who knows, maybe this was the last missing piece of the puzzle. Stick it to your page, alter it if needed and start seeing new registrations happen regularly.

Make them JOIN your free platform and START a community of loyal followers and users like champs. This way, you can also collect their emails, which you can use for upcoming marketing campaigns.

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Colorlib Wizard 30

Simplicity is the winning element you should always consider to succeed online. Even with multi-step forms, keep them MINIMAL and to the point, and you can expect a boost in leads by almost 100%.

Of course, you need to ensure that all flows smoothly regardless of what device and web browser they use.

However, regarding the technical part, all these free Bootstrap wizards follow the latest trends and regulations for your convenience.

Pick the one you dig, make it your own, and see the magic happen

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Frontend web developer and web designer specializing in WordPress theme development. After graduating with BA he self-taught front-end web development. Currently has over 10 years of experience in mainly CSS, HTML (TailwindCSS, Bootstrap), JavaScript(React, Vue, Angular), and PHP. Obsessed with application performance, user experience, and simplicity.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Dave Dayanan says:

    Thanks for having this on line are there any free webhosting sites on which I can upload my css and html files for free. I am planning to create a wesite of my own since I am still working to have an additional income for my expenses. Hope yousould helpe me with this.

  2. antima jain says:

    hello, can you help me out with the submit button functionality.

    1. Unfortunately, we don’t do custom development. You are free to use our templates but we don’t do any custom requests.


    great one theme help me out after wasting two hours on the internet

    thanks, colorlib team

  4. Hello Please exist a template to up a product, into the Digital Download plugin…

    What I want is, that when a user signs up, I sign up for WP. It can be redirected to the product entry website within Easy Digital Downloads. So each customer can see what they are selling. And automatically, it will be exhibited in the store. I think this dish would be beneficial for Colorlib …

    Thank you very much Jesmar from Madrid, Spain.

  5. Ilan Perez says:

    Is it possible to return to a step once past it? Is that built into the themes?

    1. Yes, all templates have this functionality, as this is basic for all multi-step Bootstrap forms.

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