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18 Bootstrap Parallax Examples to Improve UX 2024

If you would like to improve your website’s user experience, making it more appealing, our Bootstrap parallax templates are perfect solutions.

This is primarily because of the recent studies conducted by online marketers.

We discovered that MOST web users enjoy scrolling through websites incorporating parallax effects.

Fun fact: Even YouTube uses it!

For all the beginners out there, you can review our best parallax scrolling tutorial resources first.

However, with the versatile collection of templates below, we’re sure you’ll find the right one. EASILY.

(You can customize them at your own free will, too.)

Best Bootstrap Parallax Templates


radios free template

Radios – hence the name – is a great Bootstrap template for radio stations. It features only modern technologies to guarantee an amazing experience.

It even comes with the parallax effect, making it more enjoyable to scroll.

In the kit, you will find features like drop-down, carousels for testimonials, and scroll content loading.

You can benefit greatly from radios by using them out of the box, but you can also modify them according to your needs and regulations.

Without starting from scratch, you can now have a radio station website up and running much quicker.

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Wilcon Free Template

Building and construction companies, build a powerful and solid online foundation for your business with Wilcon. You can immediately start on the right track with a well-thought-out Bootstrap parallax template.

You can now showcase your amazing projects, promote services, start a blog, you name it. Wilcon is here to help you make a difference and STAND OUT from the masses.

Even with an HTML template, basic coding knowledge will get you very far with Wilcon. Remember, the site canvas has an integrated contact form and Google Maps.

Additionally, a request-a-quote POP-UP is also part of the deal.

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For every cleaning company, promote your business online professionally with Cleanex. This website template has a bright design with many great features, so you don’t need to develop them.

You will FIND IT ALL, from parallax effect and booking form to pricing plans and different animations.

Cleanex makes sure that every user gets the best in town. It will assist you in creating an online presence that will wow everyone.

Moreover, you can even start a blog section and introduce a rewarding marketing strategy. There’s always a way to stand out – make it happen with Cleanex.

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Lawncare Free Template

As you would expect from the name, Lawncare is an excellent tool for creating a website for your lawn care business. Landscaping, gardening, and Lawncare works GREAT for your different services.

Its modern design works smoothly out of the box, but you can also improve it if necessary. But in most cases, you will just want to change the color and brand of Lawncare accordingly.


This parallax template includes hover effects, video support, testimonials, scrolling animations, and social icons. A working contact form and blog module are also included in the pack, allowing you to save even more time.

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Classy Ads

classyads free template

When building a listings or classified ads website, you can JUMP-START your project with Classy Ads. Do yourself a favor and skip starting from scratch with a beautiful, ready-to-use Bootstrap parallax design.

Classy Ads follows all the current web trends, has a fluid layout, and offers heaps of great features.

There’s a parallax effect, carousels, a testimonial slider, a drop-down menu, and more.

You also get log-in and registration pages/forms to activate. Now you know what to do – opt for Classy Ads and realize your project.

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Even though DrPro aims toward plastic surgery by default, you can utilize it for other clinic and medical intentions, too. It is a Bootstrap parallax template with many rewarding features you can now take to your maximum advantage.

DrPro ROCKS a very modern and trendy design, which does the trick as-is.

However, even if you plan to perform a few slight tweaks here and there, it will take you little time to make it happen.

There’s also a slider, CTA buttons, animated statistics, an appointment form, a newsletter subscription form, and more.

Still, DrPro is an HTML template, so activating each element through coding and the back-end is necessary.

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farmie free template

All farms can now take things to the NEXT LEVEL with Farmie. This remarkable website template is packed with greatness that will help you stand out from the masses.

We all want that, right?

Why struggle with website creation from the ground up if you can skip the hassle with Farmie? You can first preview it, see it in full effect, and go from there.

The collection of features is also pretty vast, as Farmie takes things very seriously – to the last detail.

By the way, there are even online shop pages included.

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Creative Agency

Agency free agency website template

Creative Agency is another great example of Bootstrap parallax templates that caters to many different users. Sure, its first objective is agencies, but freelancers and other small businesses can profit from it, too.

It ALL BEGINS with a full-screen parallax background with text and CTA. Use this section strategically to grab your visitors’ attention – making them hungry for more.

Creative Agency also does not miss other goodies, like sticky navbar, slider, client feedback and team section.

You also get many UI elements as part of the template, which you can use and reuse however you want.

Looking for something that doesn’t require any coding? Here are the most beautiful Squarespace parallax templates based on a drag-and-drop builder.

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Interior Design

interiordesign free template

A modern website lets everyone experience your fantastic interior design projects and portfolio. Create one now with the use of Interior Design and Never Look Back.

This Bootstrap parallax web design creates a pleasant atmosphere with organized content distribution. It’s also perfectly in tune with mobile devices for an even and SUPERB performance and user experience.

Transparent header, multi-level drop-down menu, projects section, news and a working contact form are just a fraction of all Interior Design’s feats.

You can also create customer trust by including feedback from your past clients through a convenient testimonial carousel.

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Orbit Free Template

Freelancers and job seekers, establish a powerful website with Orbit. With an online presence that stands out, you can make a STRONG and LASTING first impression on all your clients and potential employers.

Before we even go any further, know that Orbit is for building one-page websites.

This is a great way of giving your visitors a chance to learn about you in a few scrolls.

Orbit also guarantees a beautiful demonstration of who you are on mobile, as the layout uses a responsive structure. Parallax scrolling, filterable portfolio, resume, client feedback and the list of features keeps going.

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Farmland Colorlib Template

Farmland almost does not need an introduction. But it does because it’s awesome. It’s a terrific alternative for everyone in the agriculture industry looking to establish a solid web presence.

You will make it happen with Farmland—that is a guarantee. Note that this is an HTML template, which means you will need to code your way to a successful website launch.

Still, we always create a user-friendly code structure so that both beginners and experts can easily understand it.

I don’t need to say anything else, as you can view the live demo preview, which will do all the talking. So. Good.

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Fox Free Template

Create a website for a school, university, or online course with Fox. It’s a very flexible and versatile web design with many useful features, elements, and components.

This Bootstrap parallax template allows you to EDIT it QUICKLY so that the final version follows your branding and other ideas.

Fox’s treats include animations, full-width slider, students’ feedback, courses page and blog. The contact page also comes with integrated Google Maps and a functional form.

You can accomplish so much with Fox – so don’t waste time.

Fox is an incredible website template but you know what’s even cooler? Online course WordPress themes with drag and drop user interface and ready-made templates.

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bootstrap parallax

When you are in search of a multi-purpose and highly-responsive HTML5, Polo is a good way to go. This is certainly ONE OF THE BEST choices to ever think of as a website designer. This is also great to use by developers searching for horizontal Bootstrap admin templates.

It has ultra-fast performance, making it load fast. It is also fascinating because it has a highly dedicated support community.

These are why many website developers choose this one over any other Bootstrap parallax page canvas.

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bootstrap parallax

Looking for something that already is a multi-age and multi-purpose? No need to think any further than Rhythm.

This one, being a rhythm template, produces a stunning Parallax effect. It is even more popular due to its ability to capture the attention of website visitors.

Rhythm has a whopping collection of 175 HTML files covering almost everything.

The IMPRESSIVE features of this template include the Slider Revolution, powerful shortcodes, and isotope portfolio filtering.

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Parallax Scroll

bootstrap parallax

Start using this template, Parallax Scroll. It can be easy to put it in a WordPress based parallax theme.

The first step to ever focus on is the download of the codes from the repo.

Make sure that you review the needed scripts. The second step to follow will include changing the HTML as needed.

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bootstrap parallax

Wexim is an incredible and flexible Parallax scrolling template. The theme is known for being highly responsive. Website developers and designers like it because it makes a business website look sophisticated.

This is especially true when viewed from the different types of devices. Site visitors would LOVE to have a great user experience than ever.

There are pre-built demos, multiple font style choices, and many more features that will impress you over and beyond.

You will also like this template, as it is built using the latest HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap standards.

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bootstrap parallax

Ella is known for being highly creative and stunning as a multipurpose and horizontal parallax scrolling template. Once you decide to make use of this template, it is more likely that you get the attention of the website visitors

The full responsiveness and retina-readiness of the template make it more incomparable to others. These two elements can help improve users’ experience.

And with its 3 unique header styles, you can find the RIGHT STYLE that meets your taste.

The excellent shortcodes, ease of customizability, and all other excellent features make the template worth considering.

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bootstrap parallax

Get the results you want from your website. Try using Enigma, an excellent horizontal parallax scrolling template.

This is one of the best choices for you to try out.

This is fully-equipped with so many handy homepage demos. You will find them useful to website creation and customization.

Enigma includes clean code that you can edit easily. Even the working contact form makes it easy for visitors to get in touch again.

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It is undeniable that Parallax and Bootstrap add new dimensions to stories told with a single text. If you want to achieve such a unique effect, consider one of the many Bootstrap Parallax choices above!

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Rok is a professional content creator, WordPress developer and enthusiastic marketer who spends most of his day behind the screen, working on ULTIDA, client projects and listening to black metal. But he never misses a daily workout to get the blood flow going.

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