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404 error page examples
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29 Best Creative 404 Error Page Examples 2024

Now and then, your Internet search comes up against a message that reads something like “HTTP 404 Error”. This may happen when the page you searched for has its link changed or moved, or it simply cannot be found on the server. Or, it may have been removed altogether; maybe you have even typed the wrong URL. Whatever the reason is, you have lost your way on the Internet highway, and a 404 error message is the way to let you know.

If you haven’t encountered a message like this before, you could try this: type the URL of any website and follow the ‘/’  at the end with a string of gibberish. Such errors are inevitable; broken links, unchanged URLs, and many other reasons can cause your site to throw up a 404 error.  This will likely annoy the visitor and make him want to leave your site. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. You can design the 404 error page with a little care to spark some interest or amusement in the visitor, thus causing their mouse to linger a bit more on your website. Said amusement can leave a nice memory and might make them want to return sometime later.

Thus, it makes sense to design an error page with some care. Redirecting a visitor, helping him progress his search, or merely bringing a smile to his face will ensure repeat visits. The following examples highlight some imaginative ways in which 404 error pages have been designed in some websites.

Best 404 Error Page Examples

1. Maxemail


Maxemail, formerly Email Center UK, offers email marketing services. The website explains that email marketing is not simply a list-building exercise. The error page shows the Development Team members pointing fingers at each other about who should be fired for the gaffe. You will also be shown the way home with a link to the homepage.

2. Novak Djokovic


This professional tennis player’s off-court humor is visible in the 404 page of his website. He asks visitors if they are looking for lost balls. You are then guided back to the menu.

3. Limpfish


This is the website of David Barton, an artist. The 404 page is witty and set out as a classified advertisement, with the ‘File not Found’ legend finding a place in the slot usually reserved for a contact phone number.

4. Superlovers


This is the website of a French creative studio that designs in print and digital versions. The error page informs you that the angels have the phone box. You can access the menu from this page and find your way back home.

5. Incore


Incore is a digital marketing agency. Their 404 page is a tease featuring the picture of two ominous vultures and asking lost visitors if they are really looking for them or if they would like to be returned home.

6. AndroidDev101


On this website, one can keep tabs on what is happening in the world of androids. The 404 page on this website admonishes you for the lack of navigation skills that brought you to the error page in the first place.

7. Foxrate


Foxrate offers a free browser-based application that allows customers to collect reviews from various sales channels. A little dog peeps through the ‘0’ in the 404, to tell you that no fox can be found on the error page.

8. Agens


Agens is in the business of having bright digital ideas and turning it into working products. They have an astronaut lost in space, wandering about and carrying a 404 flag. The caption suggests that you take a look at recent projects.

9. Bored Panda


Bored Panda is a community for creative people. It has sections on art, photography and design. A panda swears on the 404 page that he has not eaten up the pages you are looking for. Advertisements are on the right, and the menu remains on the page.

10. Expansion Broadcast


Podcasts go out from this website and track lists are featured here. This 404 page takes a dig and calls you a douche bag and takes pride in being featured in the Smashing Magazine.

11. Captain Dash


Captain Dash is a website that offers data management services. An app helps to convert all the boring data into meaningful information. The error page is quite simple and asks you if you are looking for Captain Dash backstage. You can email them from this page or return to the homepage.

12. Odd Pears


Odd Pears sells creatively designed quality socks. Simply put, these are beautifully mismatched socks that express individuality. The 404 error page shows a sock swearing after breaking a hole at the big toe and scaring you into believing that you broke their website.

13. Espry


Espry describes themselves as artists, creators, and visionaries of the digital world. Their 404 page has a cute dog looking confused and wearing a lost expression, with a call to action button advising the visitor to go home.

14. Petfinder


Petfinder is a website that helps lost animals find a home that will adopt them. You can apply search criteria and find a pet to adopt on their homepage. If you get lost doing this, you will see a cat caught up in knitting wool or a beaked friend screeching at you, and you will be guided back to the homepage. The menu, posts, and call-to-action buttons in the sidebar are also included on the error page.

15. CloudSigma


CloudSigma is a Cloud storage facility. If you lose your way in this website, you will get to meet their junior developer. He is, in fact, a cat that sleeps on the couch for the most part, but still finds time to do some coding.

16. Bitly


Bitly is a URL shortener and link management platform. A fish floating upside-down in the error page gives you an indication that something is wrong here. Helpful information about URLs is also given on this page.

17. FlixelPix

FlixelPix - photography website 404 error page example

As you may have guessed, FlixelPix is a website dedicated to photography. The web page fully displays the error message, with a suggestion to search. Meanwhile, a helpful search box is right there at hand.

Here are additional photography website designs to inspire you, whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or a professional web designer.

18. Swissmiss


Swissmiss is Tina Roth’s design studio. On her error page, she is seen through a hole in the canvas, telling visitors to launch a search from there or to go back to the homepage.

19. Studio7 Designs


Studio7 designs mobile applications and responsive user interfaces. A bear silhouette lets you know you have come to the wrong place.

20. Spoon Graphics


Spoon Graphics is Chris Spooner’s blog that helps others create cool designs. The creativity is evident in his error page, which appears you have tuned into television at the wrong frequency and prompted you to call an engineer to fix it. You can also opt to move back to the homepage or archives.

21. Out of Comfort Zone


Out of Comfort Zone is the blog of Frederic Harper, a techie and a serial entrepreneur. He wears many hats and is keen to popularize technology. His error page has an smart design, showing a fish out of water out of its comfort zone. You can press any key to move away from the page.

22. Jess Marks Photography


Jess and Marks are wedding photographers. They have kept their error page simple, using just shades of grey background and distinctive lettering to inform you that you are on the wrong page. Thus, you are prompted to return to the menu or move on to their blog.

23. Adham Dannaway


Adham Dannaway is a designer and a front-end developer. His error page is not the usual run-of-the-mill. It has Yoda emerging from a desktop screen, and the message is written as if the Jedi Master himself was speaking.

24. Life Support


Life Support is the name of a beverage that deals with hangovers.Their error page blames the visitor for blowing up the Internet.

25. Avioa


Avioa is a consulting setup that helps with business strategies. They leave an invitation for you in their error page to get in touch with them.

26. 1st Web Designer


This web design company is primarily shifting its focus to WordPress Content Management System. They tell you that you are in the wrong page with a truism: not all those who wander are lost. You can move on to archives, start a search, or return to the homepage from this page.

27. Margaret Cho


Margaret Cho is a stand-up comedian and TV personality who does live shows as well. The error page on her website tells you it’s okay to be lost and that Margaret, too, gets lost at times.

28. Sylvester Stallone


Sylvester Stallone is an actor who has moved on to other film-making roles. He is polite on his error page and offers to take you back. You can also browse the menu from the error page.

29. Web Hosting Secrets Revealed


This website discusses hosting options for websites and reviews them as well. The error page has Grumpy Cat claiming to have eaten up the page in grammatically incorrect English.

Some of the illustrative error pages above must have caught your attention. Would you be willing to let us have a look at your error pages as well?

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Frontend web developer and web designer specializing in WordPress theme development. After graduating with BA he self-taught front-end web development. Currently has over 10 years of experience in mainly CSS, HTML (TailwindCSS, Bootstrap), JavaScript(React, Vue, Angular), and PHP. Obsessed with application performance, user experience, and simplicity.

Comments (2)

  1. Mahmut Hoduk says:

    Well this was boring.

    1. Mahmut,

      Please let me know if you have any better examples to share and we will make sure to list them here. We are constantly updating our lists once we find good examples.
      Thank you!

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