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19 Best Home Decor Blog Design Examples 2024

Are you a novice in the blogosphere? Do you think you need a lot of inspiration to explore to build your blog? If you’re passionate about putting art on internal and external spaces, it’s time to express yourself! Discover the best home decor blog in this post and enjoy exploring them.

You probably have heard how blogging benefits various individuals in their personal or professional life. Indeed blogging is more than just a pastime. It can be worth your time and effort if you put your heart into it. From acquiring great exposure, refining your writing skills, and building trust online, these are just a few limitless opportunities blogging can do for you. Certain individuals focus on blogging to make money as their full-time job. Today, you can see various layout designs, and clutter-free and minimalist home decor blogs. They are passionate about showing off their unique styles in decorating spaces. So, whether you’re a novice in blogging or not, you’ll surely find this inspiration remarkable!

WordPress blog themes

Building a home decor blog?

The easiest way to get started is by using a ready-made WordPress blog theme. Alternatively, you can use a drag-and-drop blog builder.

Every family needs a home where households can have the comfort they need. And more often than not, home decors are part of the necessity to keep it neat. While anyone can furnish the home with decorations, mommies are the ones who do the initiations. If you happen to be among them, this rich source of home decor blog is a must-see! Get inspired and enjoy this amazing, handpicked collection!

Best Home Decor Blog Design Examples

1. The Inspired Room

The website is made using Divi WordPress theme and WooCommerce

The Inspired Room

Are you planning to make blogging a part of your marketing? Well, why not venture into this scheme and take advantage of it. Here’s The Inspired Room, a home decor blog designed to help everyone love their home. Melissa Michaels is the author of this awesome blog. The website has much content to offer the audience about home decors. Its hero header displays three featured posts with thumbnails. As social media plays a great role in the success of every brand, this website ensures that the social links are always visible on the screen’s top, bottom, and left sides. It also uses the sticky header to make the menu accessible.


2. Addicted To Decorating

The website is made using the Kadence WordPress theme

Addicted To Decorating

Is blogging worth the time and effort you invest? With 31.7 million bloggers in the US, it’s worth the investment. This inspiration is majestic if you plan to build your home decor blog soon! Here’s Addicted To Decorating, a blog that focuses on budget-friendly DIY & interior decorating. The clean and modern design has easy-to-use web elements on the homepage. The hero header welcomes visitors with three main menu – project gallery, home tours, and Etsy store. Furthermore, the header has the off-canvas menu, social media icons, and the brand’s name. It also comes with social share to easily spread the word.


3. Vintage Revivals

The website is made using WPBakery Page Builder and WordPress.

Vintage Revivals

If you have amazing and bright ideas about making the home worth living with, you might want to share your creativity with others. And blogging can be the best outlet to showcase your inventiveness. Here’s Vintage Revivals, a home decor blog that Mandi Gubler crafts. With its massive followers on social media, this blogger gains influence while expressing her passion. The website welcomes visitors with a nice slider highlighting the featured posts, its shop, and the Merc. The homepage displays the posts one after the other, while the left sidebar presents the newsletter, an image that links to the author page, categories, a search bar, and a banner ad. On the header are useful web elements, including the social media icons, search, menu, and logo.


4. Apartment Therapy

Website made using Ceros CMS

Apartment Therapy

Find the most awe-inspiring home decor blog in this remarkable collection. Then acquire the finest features that you can apply to your website. Apartment Therapy is a lifestyle blog publishing company focusing on home design and decor. It has a well-organized design on the homepage that can impress the audience and inspire fellow bloggers. The hero scene displays the featured story with a huge thumbnail and the post’s title. Below are the latest articles on different categories represented by medium-sized thumbnails. This website also uses the infinite scroll, social media links, clean typography, and apparent visual hierarchy.


5. Driven By Decor

Website is made using Genesis Framework by StudioPress

Driven By Decor

Every family deserves a well-decorated home. But not everyone is gifted with the talents to flourish by themselves. Many bloggers start to impress the community with a home decor blog. Driven by Decor shares simple tips and ideas for decorating homes with casually elegant style and timeless design. Its website has a simple approach to creativity with explicit images, good typography, and white space. The hero header contains menu links to home tours, reader faves, and shop pages.

Meanwhile, the header also includes the blog’s name, logo, social icons, and menu. Specifically, each post utilizes huge thumbnails to make it more attractive. So, get a load of inspiration with this list, and make sure you take note of the features you love.


6. Today‘s Homeowner

The website is made with Newspaper WordPress theme and hosted with Pagely

Today‘s Homeowner

It’s hard to find a place like home. Thus, every parent wants to make the home a pleasant place to live in. Consequently, many bloggers love to build a home decor blog to share various ways to keep the home adorable. Today’s Homeowner with Danny Lipford, a home improvement expert, and contractor. He shares his inspiration and advice for maintaining and improving the homes on television and the wonderful blog. As it is the highest-rated, Emmy-nominated home improvement TV show in the US, its blog has a fresh and innovative design. With the how-to articles, videos and expert tips, this site becomes the top destination for home enthusiasts. It also garners 1.4 million monthly unique visitors with 115,000+ monthly newsletter subscribers.


7. The DIY Playbook

The website is made using a custom WordPress theme and WooCommerce. Hosted with Cloudflare

The DIY Playbook

Living a pleasant home can influence the mood of the people living on it. That’s why decorating the home elegantly is important. If you’d love to share ideas on making the home a better place, this home decor blog is a must-see! DIY Playbook focuses on home renovations, DIY projects, styling tips, and home decor. The blog design is awe-inspiring, utilizing user-friendly features and a minimalist layout. Notably, the hero scene highlights some amazing posts using a nice carousel. Moreover, the presentation of the posts also appears flawless, with excellent emphasis on visual hierarchy, clear and personal images, and great typography. That’s not all, the best of the blog section also has a super neat and comprehensible layout – the title overlaps the thumbnail.


8. Wildfire Interiors

The website is made using the Divi WordPress theme

Wildfire interiors home decor website example

Home decor and home accents are necessary. They add life to dull spaces and can effectively influence the mood. No wonder why many home decor blogs are established today. Wildfire Interiors is one of the inspiring blogs for DIY decor, home renovation, craftiness, and real life. The overall design of the blog is simple but engaging. It makes use of the square menu to welcome every site visitor. Hence, visitors can explore the Tour My Home, Shop, Project Gallery, and popular posts. The presentation of the recently published articles also appears great, having thumbnails, a short introduction, and the Read More button.


9. The Honeycomb Home

The website is made using the Kadence WordPress theme

The Honeycomb Home

Blogging can change the way you live. You’ll never get easily bored by writing about the things you’re passionate about. You shouldn’t skip this list if you plan to set up a home decor blog. The Honeycomb Home shares attainable and affordable home improvements and interior design for real people. Having completed the Interior Design course, Roxanne is armed with exceptional knowledge in house transformation within the budget. Thanks to this home decor blog, she can reveal her excellent tips and tricks. This blog has a simple but comprehensive design like the other websites in this collection. The hero header has a great image that welcomes visitors. A square menu represents the rest of the content. So they look clutter-free and minimalist.

Honeycomb uses our interior design WordPress theme.


10. Homey Oh My

The website is made with Brooklyn WordPress theme and WooCommerce

Homey Oh My

Blogging is not just about earning irrefutable exposure or gaining influence. For bloggers who are passionate about what they do, they’re truly amazing! So, if you haven’t got the right inspiration to explore for your blog project, you should examine this set. Homey Oh My is an interior and lifestyle blog dedicated to modern style, love for minimal design, and simple ideas for creative living. It is another remarkable home decor blog that can inspire novices. The hero scene is a great display of the featured articles via carousel.

Similarly, a short intro of the author is added just below the carousel with corresponding social media links for quick access to the social pages. This site arrayed the articles one after the other. Also, it uses banner ads to monetize with the blog too.


11. The Budget Decorator

The website is made using a custom WordPress theme.

The Budget Decorator

Mind-blowing home decor ideas are helpful for anyone who wants to make their home a wonderful place to stay. Today, we can find numerous home decor blogs to delve into. And if you’re looking for more inspiration, this collection is essential. The Budget Decorator shares awesome and new decorating techniques and ideas. As its name implies, it promises to provide budget-friendly decoration tips and techniques. It has a beautiful homepage design with easy-to-use web elements. Specifically, the hero scene is a gorgeous display of the two featured posts with a tile menu below it.


12. Nina Hendrick

The website is made using the Kadence WordPress theme

Nina Hendrick

The best part of blogging is that you can gain influence in sharing your creativity without the trust you can build with the audience. Here’s Nina Hendrick a New England girl passionate about all things home. As she loves to help people create a meaningful space that they can enjoy, this home decor blog is established. Her website is gorgeous and exemplary for every blogger who wishes to do the same. Like other amazing blogs in this post, it has a clean and super user-friendly design. The hero header is a stunning display of the featured post – a clear image on the left and a short description on the right. The favorite posts also look cool with the card design this blog uses. Moreover, this blog also uses the mega menu to look visually appealing.


13. Within the Grove

The website is made using a custom WooCommerce theme and hosted with WPEngine.

Within the Grove

Earning significant dimes isn’t your primary goal when building your home decor blog, especially when motivated by passion. Hence, there’s no need to wonder why many professionals shift to this career and leave their 8-5 jobs. Within The Grove is a home decor blog encouraging and inspiring others to turn their house into a home. Its website has a simple layout with uncluttered web elements. Specifically, the hero scene has a flawless slider highlighting some interesting posts. Furthermore, the most important categories are represented by a square menu, so it’s easier to access the home improvements, inspiration, DIY, and paints. The social media links on the header are visible, along with the navigation menu.


14. Dream Green DIY

The website is made using the Oshine WordPress theme. Hosted with Kinsta.

Dream Green DIY

If you wish to share inspiring home decor tips and hacks, you can be one of the best source of inspiration for every homes. Here’s Dream Green DIY, where you can enjoy exploring various home decor ideas. Eager to soak up the newest home design trends, Carrie Waller, the author behind this blog loves to share abundant inspiration. The website has a super clean, neat and modern design. As it is evident that the clean and minimalist designs stands out, this site embraces the white space all over the pages. The awesome web elements are visible in the homepage, such as big, clear images, attractive CTAs, and short descriptions. Moreover, this website also connects with an online store where the author recommends the best and finest home decor products.


15. Home Made Lovely

The website is made using the Kadence WordPress theme

Home Made Lovely

There’s no better place like home. It’s where you can be yourself and most especially spend time relaxing! No wonder many households love decorating the house to make it a home! Today, we can find creative individuals who share amazing tips and hacks for effective home decoration. Home Made Lovely is a home decor blog sharing decorating ideas, DIY projects, cleaning, and organization hacks worldwide. The homepage has a refreshing and flawless design with huge, clear images and stylish typography. Specifically, it implements the sticky header, making accessing other necessary blog pages easier. It also presents the categories in medium-size squares with images to make them look interesting.


16. Coco Cozy

Built with: Wix

Coco Cozy 

Finding the most inspiring home decor blog is easier when you’ve landed on this page. Coco Cozy is one of the most refreshing and modern designs you shouldn’t miss. Coco, an executive by day and an interior design blogger and home furnishings designer by night is ready to provide you with ample inspiring tips, hacks and styles. The website has a nice design on the homepage as it is the page that the viewers can have a great impression. The hero header welcomes the viewers with large thumbnails highlighting featured posts using a smooth carousel. The individual posts also look grandeur with larger thumbnails, short descriptions, and social shares.


17. My Domaine

A custom built website

My Domaine

Decorating the house should be fun! Indeed! This is the best intro that My Domaine’s home decor blog wants to impart to visitors. It never fails to share valuable information on home decor and home furnishings ideas. The design is totally impressive, fresh, and creative that you wouldn’t have boring moments exploring it. The hero header has simple but captivating designs – the title of the featured post and the thumbnail on the right. The top stories also look clean and elegant with a card design. Similarly, the social media links look enticing as arrayed in a black rectangular box. Check out this amazing and inspiring blog today!


18. Hygge For Home

The website is made using a custom WordPress theme and hosted with WPEngine.

Hygge For Home

Make the home extraordinary and extra-special with many awe-inspiring home decor ideas in this list. Also, if you’re working with a home decor blog, this inspiration is valuable as it provides ample resources to explore. Hygge For Home is a magnificent blog where Reena Simon is an interior design and lifestyle content creator. Modern, rustic, bohemian, and industrial styles inspire her. Her website has a super nice, cool, and refreshing design. The logo is displayed with a stylish look and is pretty enticing too. It uses a smooth slider to showcase the featured posts on the hero scene. It also emphasizes the visual hierarchy to make the important elements stand out. Moreover, it allows viewers to shop for the products the author recommends.


19. Kezza Beth

Website made with Bluehost website builder

Kezza Beth

Creative individuals who love sharing awesome home renovative articles should have a great home decor blog. This way, people can easily reach home decor ideas and hacks that can improve the look of their homes. Here’s Kezzabeth, a self-taught DYIer, renovator, and blogger who loves to turn houses into homes. The blog design is modern and clutter-free. This blog ensures user-friendly navigation and compelling content as web elements are well organized. Like most websites, it uses the slider to showcase multiple posts in the hero scene. The square thumbnails below the hero header make accessing the shop, tutorials, and house tour easier. It also uses sticky social media on the left side of the screen. Also, it features social share buttons for quick sharing of information.


For more home decor blogs like these, please look at our curated list of WordPress blog themes.

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Frontend web developer and web designer specializing in WordPress theme development. After graduating with BA he self-taught front-end web development. Currently has over 10 years of experience in mainly CSS, HTML (TailwindCSS, Bootstrap), JavaScript(React, Vue, Angular), and PHP. Obsessed with application performance, user experience, and simplicity.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. The play with asymmetry in this design is refreshing! It adds a touch of unpredictability that keeps the eye engaged

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