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9 Best Shopify Real Estate Themes 2024

If you are looking for full-blown Shopify real estate themes, we only have one that suits the purpose. After all, Shopify isn’t a platform that fits the real estate industry out of the box. Still, thanks to the flexibility of its themes, they are capable of many things.

Along with the one tool you can utilize out of the box for selling houses, apartment rentals, and even hotels, all the other solutions are multi-purpose. They are highly adaptive and customizable so you can alter them to your or your client’s real estate business.

While making an online store or eCommerce website with Shopify is easy for all the other online stores and websites, you must turn on your creativity and innovation in real estate.

Luckily, Shopify has many features, apps, and extensions that will serve you well. While experience working with Shopify is not required, skills will come in exceptionally handy in this case.

Whereas, if you use WordPress, loads of real estate themes get you started quickly. Still, the Shopify themes below will help you save plenty of time and effort that would otherwise be necessary if starting from the ground up.

1. Avone

avone shopify real estate theme

Avone is a powerful and practical solution that works with creating nearly any eCommerce page you can think of. You get eighteen homes, ten headers, ten shop, and eight product pages in the bundle. In short, Avone rocks every section of a modern website for you to mix and match. While Avone works very well out of the box, you can also step things up and customize it. The process is a little breeze as it does not require writing code.

Like other powerful Shopify themes, Avone follows all the latest trends and regulations. It is 100% compatible with mobile devices, web browsers, and retina screens. Avone is also optimized for fast loading speed and SEO. Enter the industry with a banging site that will take little to no time to realize.

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2. Yanka

yanka shopify real estate theme

What’s terrific about all the themes on this list is their flexibility. While they already come with many samples out of the box, they allow you to tweak them. Yanka is no different. It is a solid alternative that allows for creating an online store selling furniture and whatnot. While it might not be exclusively real estate-related, you will still find great use of Yanka.

Multiple layouts and heaps of features and apps await every Yanka user. The reality is, you only really need one tool to operate your online business successfully. With Yanka, you will find nothing missing, as it unlocks an array of options and possibilities to easily get the most out of it.

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3. Zeexo

zeexo shopify real estate theme

There is something for everyone in the Zeexo kit. Let’s face it, with a collection of 108 samples, you know Zeexo caters to various industries, including real estate. If anything furniture-related is what you plan to push on the internet, you can do it victoriously with Zeexo. There is no need for you to start from the ground up. The resourceful Zeexo rocks all the necessary things; some are out of the box. By the way, speaking of all those samples, you will get a fresh one every week.

With all the installation content, documentation and video tutorials, setting things up for your business will be hassle-free. You can also perform any customization tweaks you want and fine-tune Zeexo further. Get the ball rolling and take things differently with the handy Zeexo now.

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4. Kalles

kalles shopify real estate theme

The cleanness and simplicity of Kalles go over and beyond. If you strive to achieve that with your website, you better not miss checking out Kalles. Even if you plan to sell furniture and similar, you can create an eCommerce website that will move mountains with Kalles. There is a collection of twenty home page designs that you can take to your total advantage. Additionally, Kalles also sports all other inner pages and loads of amenities for quick page creation.

Kalles is fully optimized for mobile use with its fluid layout. Everyone will have a pleasant experience while shopping for your products, whether using a smartphone, tablet or desktop computer. The creative approach that Kalles rocks will leave a lasting impression on all your visitors.

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5. Molla

molla shopify real estate theme

With the multi-purpose approach of Molla, you know immediately that anything is possible. Even if the design does not fit your branding directions out of the box, by all means, modify it. Still, thanks to its simplicity, Molla easily serves different tastes as is. You only get to mix and match the available and call it a day from all the varying page layouts to many features. There is no need for experience and skills, as Molla is both for newbies and professionals.

Some features include stock countdown, social sharing, product quick view, mega menu, currency switcher, and catchy animations. You can always contact Molla’s professional team for any questions and support. Take action now and start on the World Wide Web with a website that will move mountains, even in the real estate industry.

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6. Split

split shopify real estate theme

If you want to bring your product front and center, consider Split. It is an easy to use Shopify theme that works great for numerous industries, including real estate and anything home-related. Offer all your visitors to experience your brand and your products in the best possible way with large imagery and a great story. On top of that, once you combine it with your creative touch, you unlock unlimited possibilities. After all, that is what Split is exceptionally good at.

Like other Shopify real estate themes on this list, Split also follows modern web practices. It is responsive, cross-browser compatible, SEO-ready, and compatible with retina screens. A promotional banner, two different menu styles, a vertical slideshow, and testimonials are just a few of the extras you get with Split.

Looking for what is possible with Shopify? Here are stunning examples of eCommerce websites built with Shopify.

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7. Startup

startup shopify real estate theme

Startup is an excellent solution for creating a website to promote a single product. This could be anything you can think of. And if you are focusing on home products, like beds and furniture, Startup will do the magic with ease. Yes, Startup is appealing to the eye, flexible and adjustable. Certainly, you will not even want to change the default look. Start with Startup now if you are ready to make a strong impression on potential customers.

The package will discover four different styles, all creative and very attention-grabbing. Introduce your brand story, product, amazing imagery, and other information to boost your potential. Win over more buyers and attain new goals with a strategic online presence – all due Startup.

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8. Atlantic

atlantic shopify real estate theme

Atlantic’s modern and luxury look guarantees an outcome that will turn heads. In other words, everyone thwhoands on your freshly created website will gebencouraged to browse further and see what you have to offer right away. And you can freely utilize Atlantic exactly as it comes out of the box, enrich it with your custom content and start making moves online immediately. Still, with editable custom sections, do yourself a favor and rearrange Atlantic to match your branding regulations.

This Shopify theme is excellent for brands and companies with a large catalog of products. The amazing navigability and filtering offer every user to find what they are looking for in a matter of clicks. Atlantic also has a modular-style home page, quick buy function and a catchy slideshow.

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9. Expression

expression shopify real estate theme

No matter how meticulous your taste is, Expression is the Shopify theme that caters to it without a hitch. Everyone will find a theme easy to use, whether you are just starting or an experienced web developer. Even if you want to introduce different apps to make your website more powerful, you will do it without breaking a sweat. For your convenience, support, documentation, and regular updates are also part of the Expression. In short, make an impression that will raise your potential with Expression.

The Expression kit includes various goods, such as different homes, predefined color schemes, a slider, a home page video, a grid layout, and sticky elements. The extra features that will make a difference are Google Maps, a contact form, social icons, and a blog.

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Shopify is an amazing eCommerce platform, but I don’t think it’s best suited for real estate. There are far better real estate website builders that you can use to create the website of your dreams.

Another content management system that you might want to consider is WordPress. Many real estate WordPress themes come with IDX support, front-end submissions, and more.

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Rok is a professional content creator, WordPress developer and enthusiastic marketer who spends most of his day behind the screen, working on ULTIDA, client projects and listening to black metal. But he never misses a daily workout to get the blood flow going.

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