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We Created This Awesome Free WordPress Theme To Set New Industry Standard

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Nulla suscipit venenatis ante ac tristique. Suspendisse non dolor id leo fermentum volutpat. Praesent at ipsum eget nibh sollicitudin vestibulum. Nulla metus felis, vulputate sit amet accumsan sit amet, imperdiet vel odio. Praesent eu imperdiet nulla. Nulla sed aliquam lacus. Aenean pharetra sed tellus quis bibendum.

Aliquam vitae eros eget sem congue ullamcorper. Pellentesque nec risus vel diam ultrices accumsan. Nunc rutrum odio eget placerat luctus. Vestibulum pharetra luctus ligula a placerat. Aliquam at blandit quam. Nullam eleifend metus sem, id dignissim nisi accumsan semper. Proin tincidunt, elit at pharetra imperdiet, lectus tortor viverra neque, ut tincidunt enim justo quis risus. Aenean condimentum odio non leo rutrum placerat. Donec eleifend dui tellus. Quisque dui neque, dictum sed sollicitudin vel, rutrum eget eros. Cras gravida justo at euismod imperdiet. Cras id lorem non nulla tincidunt ultrices.


Frontend web developer and web designer specialized in free and premium WordPress theme development. After graduating with BBA he self-though frontend web development. Mainly CSS/HTML/JavaScript(React, Vue) and some PHP. Obsessed with application performance, user experience and simplicity.

19 thoughts to “We Created This Awesome Free WordPress Theme To Set New Industry Standard”

  1. I’m using this theme on but the “Popular posts” widget is not showing thumbnails even after i regenerated thumbnails. Please help!

  2. Thx for this beautifull Theme! Great Job!
    By the Time i will send you a Link to my new Website. Coming soon ^^

    Thanks a lot

  3. I am looking to send out daily angel catd an psychic messages to others. I am an author Reiki Master and would like to develop a weekly Reiki Wish Area with a denoted picture and feature page on crystals another page promoting my personal mefiumshop readings.

    I look forward to your help
    Christine Snowdon

    1. Christine,

      Our themes are free to use for private and commercial use. You can download Sparkling theme and start using it without any restriction. However, we don’t do any custom development work if that’s what you are after.

  4. The Full Width settings is not working in FF and Chrome. It’s ‘over-sized’ by a long shot.

    Responsive Images Shortcode are also ‘over-sized’ in FireFox.

    Otherwise a good theme.

  5. Template fulfills my requirements very well. Thanks a lot. However, my i-phone view of my site does not correspond with the demo page – looks like my normal desktop view.

  6. Thanks it is very nice. But I can’t figure out how to load images into the large image area above the call to action. Is that not part of the theme?

    1. I would like to know the same thing – have been trying different ways for hours. As far as I can tell, the “header image” option has been disabled and a slider has been placed below the menu, but it’s not clear how to do this.
      Could someone please clarify?
      Thank you.

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